During my study in Japan I helped with a group project called Boiling Mind. The aim of Boiling Mind is to bridge the gap between audience and performers with technology mainly using different kinds of bio-sensors. I participated with the third volume of boiling mind. I build an interactive artifact that the performers used to invite people to be more involved in the performance.
The performance was held three times at the session house. (www.session-house.net/)
For more information please check out: www.embodiedmedia.org/projects/boiling-mind-3-0
Thank you Kouta Minamizawa for the amazing pictures!

the artifact that I build uses the participants finger to create a pulse signal based on their heartbeat. this is then displayed in cloud like heart that can be plugged in to the device.
a persons heartbeat as a sync signal
Choreographer | 笠井瑞丈 |
Dancers | 井田亜彩実、白神ももこ、Aokid、笠井瑞丈 |
sound artist | Danny Hynds |
Artifact | Berend te Linde, Yuka Aoki |
Stage set design | Berend te Linde, Yuka Aoki, Cajole Yang, Jack Brophy, Ivana Chaloska, Tarika Kumar, 山本愛優美 |
Videography | Lucas Ogasawara |
Boiling Mind concept / project coordinator: | 須川萌 |
Technical coordinator | 古川泰地 |
Associate coordinator | 田邊聡美 |
Project supervisor | 南澤孝太 |
Producer | 須川健太郎 |
Planning | 伊藤孝, 伊藤直子 (以下、セッションハウス企画室) |
Lighting operator | 石関美穂 |
Sound crew | 上田道崇 |
Stage director | 鍋島峻介 |
Costume crew | 原田松野 |
Stage design | くに若尾 |
Brochure design | 古川泰地 |
Production director | 伊藤孝 |
主催 | 一般社団法人セッションハウス企画室 |
助成 | 公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京【芸術文化魅力創出助成】 |